Thursday, July 25, 2019

Self Awareness at 55

Well it's been quite some time since I have written anything on my blog. This is my new one, not having to do with living with chronic pain but everything to do with living life! That wallowing in pity got old real quick!  No,this blog will have everything to do with my new life in Christ. The Life I live NOW! So, let's get to it shall we?  The older I get, the more I learn and the more I learn, the more I have to say! In the last year, two things about myself have been brought up by others that I did not really notice about myself, let alone think someone else could see it. The first one is a lack of affirmation. A friend said to me,"You haven't had much affirmation in your lifetime have you?" I was thrown for maybe just a second by that question, but then spit out the word NO! as I shook my head back and forth. I try to think of why I never realized that, and I just don't know. I start trying to figure out why I didn't do more with myself than I did, and when I do that,I start maligning myself, which is the other thing someone saw in me that I didn't. Here I am at 55 years of age wondering why this and why that and then I think who cares? You're 55!! Why think about all of that now? I am always trying to relive in my mind my childhood or teen years or my earlier married years and make excuses or look for reasons behine the whys but again, WHO CARES? I became a rebellious, wandering, mess of a teenager. Married very young, started having kids quickly after, and life took over and I just took a job here or there that would help pay bills, I never worried about doing anything greater.I did take a quick course in Secretarial Science but didn't finish it at Spartanburg Tech because of pregnancy. So anyway, as I write this story,  I realize that I am maligning myself again. Did you notice it?  Who I was then, is NOT who I am now and I need to realize that and move on and get over it and rejoice in it! I don't have to have excuses, or reasons why! GOD changed who I am, but I have always been HIS child, the daughter of the ONE TRUE KING! How dare I put her down? How dare she worry about what anyone else thinks? She is real, true, loved, loving, giving, precious in HIS sight. She is not someone to be maligned or looked down upon. So today I am saying this to you, if you are putting yourself down daily, believing what others say about you, hating yourself, doubting yourself, then you need to look in your Bible where it tells you that YOU belong to HIM, and Christ is in you! You need affirmation?  Look no further than John 1:12. But to all who have received him, those who believe in his name, he has given the right to become God's children. Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." Maligning yourself?  Read Romans 8:1, therefore now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God doesn't condemn you, why would you condemn yourselves?  Matt. 5:48 Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. We are His, fearfully and wonderfully made and we need to learn, especially thoe of us who look down on ourselves, that we are God's children and we need to be happy in that and love ourselves like we've never loved ourselves. I don't mean in a conceited way, I mean to love ourselves as Jesus loves us, unconditionally, every broken piece, as if it were the most beautiful piece of perfection ever made! Haven't figured out how I am signing off of here yet so I will just say please pass it on and LOVE yourself! 
Your Sister in Christ, 

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